Thursday, November 19, 2009

GAO Study on State Transportation Planning

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman James Oberstar has asked the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a study on state transportation planning. GAO has identified four questions that their report will address:

1. What transportation planning activities are performed by state DOTs?

2. To what extent do state DOTs make use of performance measures in their decision-making and planning processes?

3. What challenges do state DOTs encounter in developing transportation plans?

4. What role does the U.S. Department of Transportation have in overseeing state transportation planning activities, and what opportunities, if any, exist to improve oversight and enhance statewide planning activities?

APA has been invited to offer comments and information to GAO as part of their work. APA will be compiling information and meeting with GAO in early December.

The Transportation Planning Division invites you to provide input on these questions, particularly issues related to the challenges (both for the state and for the MPOs and localities in working with the state) and opportunities to improve state transportation planning.

As always, specific comments are most helpful and we need input by December.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Straw Poll Results

Our straw poll regarding changes to our bylaws is complete. The proposed changes will be voted on at the next Transportation Planning Division business meeting which will be held in Boston during the Rail~Volution conference. The conference is from October 29th through November 1st.

The straw poll indicated strong support for changes. 88 voted in favor; and, 2 voted against. In accordance with our bylaws, these changes must be voted on during a Division business meeting. Thanks to all!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Division Bylaw Changes

Dear TPD Members:

As TPD strives to be your go-to resource for information, grows, and develops programs, the amount of work being undertaken by the Division officers and volunteers has greatly expanded. The idea of expanding the number of elected officers for the Division has been discussed and the Division Bylaws have been modified to accomodate proposed changes aimed at transforming the office of Vice-Chair currently held by one individual to three seperate Vice-Chair offices to be held by three individuals.

Please take the time to review the proposed changes to the Division Bylaws. These can be found at

After you have reviewed the proposed changes, please cast your vote in the poll to the right. This poll will end August 1st.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Well I spoke (typed?) too soon and the division is doing a formal survey of how you think we've done. It's here.

Also, don't forget to vote for the next group of TPD leaders! I'm stepping down from the vice-chair position; I've enjoyed my time working with the TPD leadership, but it's time for me to move on. Good luck to the new leaders, as well as the returning ones!
